Race Report: Cadwell Park 2017 Round 4


Cadwell Park was a point on the CRMC calendar that many riders were very much looking forward to and it did not disappoint, (well for most of the Team).
With this meeting following the Isle of man TT; it made timings difficult for Sergeant Andy Green and Sergeant Tom Flynn who didn’t get back from the Island until the early hours of Saturday morning, having participated  on the Island as pit crew. This meant they missed the racing on Saturday but would later join the rest of the team on the Sunday. All other PC250 riders would be attending for the full weekend. Chief Technician (ret’d) Shaun Huston continues to mend having sustained injuries in a fall at Mallory Park during the previous meeting.

Having had a short break between Mallory and Cadwell, most riders had done little development to their bikes. No less so than Squadron Leader Symon Woodward who was keeping up his pre-race Friday night tradition of “minor fettling” as he completed the finishing touches to his newly rebuilt Honda MT125 after the return from the “winter” repair of his frame and engine casings. Flight Sergeant Ian Ridley also hit issues with his motorcycle such as a mild exhaust “Misalignment” which with a little help was remedied before racing.

On the Saturday morning with rain lashing down, team chatter was high. Some were Bigging up Corporal Gavin Heggs’ wet riding credentials after his impressive performance at a wet Mallory, which he frantically tried to play down, changing the focus onto Flight Sergeant Dave Bond’s 50+ laps of Cadwell practice a few days previously or Flight Lieutenant Jim Dickinson’s disputed very high BHP missile of a Yamaha.

Thankfully practice went soggily but without incident for all riders. Ridley was particularly pleased to manage more than a sighting lap without falling off in the wet for the first time in his racing career and Corporal Bartlett learned spark plugs need to be more than finger tight to work efficiently. The possibility of a repeat of Mallory’s Saturday racing on the cards left Woodward unfazed, Heggs hopeful and the others wondering why they do this.

Post Classic 125

Sqn Ldr Symon Woodward was the only RAF rider on the grid at this meets 125 group. Shaun Houston continues to recover post his fall at Mallory and Andy Green has chosen to rest his MT whilst he recovers from a back injury, something about being unable to fit on the bike.
Woodward races followed a similar pattern throughout the weekend. Finding himself somewhere in the middle of the pack he would tour the track thinking of something for Squadron Leader (ret’d) John Walton and Sergeant (ret’d) Paul Kirkby (on a guest appearance) to fix, and come in early for a consistent trio of DNF’s. In his own words “Nothing to report from Cadwell” Let’s move on to Croft.

Post Classic (500 air cooled)

Symon Woodward, again the sole representative for the RAF on this grid, dragged out “Big Al” the Yamaha RD400 to race with the other big two and four strokes. Again, Symon delivered consistent results. See the previous PC 125 results for further detail.

Post Classic (250 air cooled)

The PC250 AC class saw 7 bikes fielded on the Saturday and the full 9 on the Sunday. Much self-inflating/deprecating talk had been made in the short build up to this race and Bond had even found time to get in a track day to give himself a firm advantage. It was now time to show who was “King of Cadwell”!!
In their own words here are the unbiased (and truly accurate) accounts of the PC250 riders:

Race 1

The first race for this group was late on Saturday so they got to enjoy a dry track much to the lament of Heggs.
#15 Dickinson With the bike running well and finishing races consistently, I was placed 6th on the grid for the first race. I was feeling pretty psyched up but it didn't go exactly to plan. The start was reasonable and I managed to keep Bartlett and Bond behind me for around three laps but was annoyed to see some blue out of the corner of my eye coming out of Barn corner onto the main straight. I was also gutted to see a trail of blue paint and a Woodward shaped body on the floor at the chicane before the mountain, but Sy was smiling at the side of the track on the next lap so all good. I couldn't keep in contact once Bartlett and Bond came past and finished 4 seconds behind Bond in 7th. Fastest lap was quicker than last year but I was a bit disappointed with the ride.
#41 Bartlett With spark plugs tightened I headed out for the first race of the weekend. The rain had stopped and the track was mostly dry other than a few wet patches off the racing line, but nothing to affect the pace.  I started 19th on the grid and made good progress heading into the first corner. The bike was handling well and engine pulling strong (although not as strong as Dickinson or Woodward’s). Dickinson had started up in 6th place so he was my target. After the pre-race banter and confidence that Dickinson had been showing it was clear he was up for it and none of us would hear the end of it if he was able to beat any of the other RAF riders. As I was getting closer and closer to Dickinson each lap my opportunity came during lap 3. Dickinson left the door wide open for me to go up the inside from Coppice into Charlies and due to carrying the extra speed around Charlies I was able to keep him behind down Park Straight. A quick glance behind revealed a clear track which meant I was on my own; however I was totally unaware that Bond was closing in (or so he says as I saw nothing of him!). I did however notice that in true Woodward fashion, who had started well, had made the evening before predictions come true. Most people had predicted a crash from him and sure enough there he was, flat on the ground with his bike in bits. This spurred me on knowing I was the front running RAF rider, racing across the line for 5th. Considering the pace of the front runners I was very happy with the result and my best lap time.
#51 Ridley I was hoping a season peppered with DNF’s and DNS’s were behind me entering my first race at Cadwell Park. Having mostly dried up for the first race I was looking forward to getting out on the circuit again, however, while transiting from the holding area to the start line I was unable to change out of second gear, the gear selector becoming more loose as I tried. I pulled in to the pit lane entrance to check what was going on to find that the gear lever was slipping on the gear selector shaft splines due to worn splines, despite the bolts being physically tight. So that was my DNS for the weekend but I did get the bonus of watching the race from the pit wall. Luckily I had a replacement gear lever so that was easily sorted.
#54 Bond Starting from the back because of championship position didn’t help, but after a good battle with most of the other team members (and a bit of touching action with Chief Technician Mick Rudd) I managed to battle my way up to 6th and 2nd RAF rider home behind “Senior Air Craftsman” Bartlett. 
#71 Rudd After a reasonable start I found myself chasing Dickinson and Bartlett. A task made harder by trying to negotiate a way past a couple of 4 stroke bikes battling each other. After going through the Mountain, I could hear a bike closing to my right, a small glimpse of blue paint identified a team mate. I pressed on into Hall bends, with the other bike millimetres to my side, and managed to maintain the position. The next lap saw an identical move but this time Bond managed to complete the move passed me. I continued to push and the last lap saw me close up to Dickinson. An attempt to pass was made into the hairpin but Dickinson closed the door leaving me to follow him over the line for 8th place by less than 0.2 seconds. So far my X7 development is continuing well with an improvement of 10 seconds on my lap time from last year.
#74 Heggs  My first mistake was not reading the position sign on the way onto the grid so I ended up starting a long way back from where I should have. Many more mistakes would follow but too small and numerous to list. I caught Bartlett quickly from the start, however I gradually dropped back as missed gears and skill limitations took their toll. This left me riding with a slower bike who would occasionally remind me how to go round corners before disappearing behind again, eventually leaving me to finish in 9th. As it was my first race at Cadwell Park I was very pleased with my performance although it is hard to get excited by such a position.

#157 Woodward With the 125 suffering post rebuild teething problems and “Big Al” (400) being temperamental and handling like a Barge I had better expectations of “Little Al” (250). Having finished every race so far on the Podium, I was leading the Championship and so started on Pole, what could possibly go wrong? I was one of 3 lead bikes which broke away at the front.  The bike was running well but my riding wasn’t, unable to get into the groove, which is so important on such a technical circuit as Cadwell. Whilst struggling to stay with Jerry Longland, I luckily avoided his bike as he seized at the end of Park Straight, handing me 2nd place.  I could see the leader but he was riding well and several seconds ahead. A sensible, experienced rider would consolidate their Championship position and secure 2nd. Unfortunately that was not me that day. I realised that chances of catching the Leader, John, were minimal but knew I had to pick my pace up to be able to compete in the rest of the races. Unfortunately this resulted in the bike and I departing company at the entry to the “new” chicane. Just to add insult to injury, as I wandered off the track, I looked up to see Corporal Craig Hornsby pointing his camera lens at me, oh what joy!!

Race 2

#14 Green As I would have to start from the back of the grid, due to not being here on the Saturday, I opted to over gear the bike to allow myself a tall first gear for a good start. Practice was a quick two laps and then back out 20 minutes later for the first race. So back from practice, quick top up of fuel and then ready to go. Starting the race from the back row in 34th was ok as I had 2 other team members sat next to me. The Flag dropped and I quickly made my way up the grid past Flynn, Ridley, Rudd, Heggs and finally Dickinson. Dickinson managed to out brake me at the end of park straight and he then managed to stay in my way until the end of the race where I finished 8th. I decided not to try and re-overtake him (of course Andy, totally your choice??) as he was keeping me chuckling away to myself watching his random race lines and his ability to miss every apex. His body posture gave a hint of sheer determination and panic to keep me behind him.
#15 Dickinson Sunday morning (after a study of my GoPro footage), I was feeling confident again. I got a bit too excited on the start line and spent too much time closing the throttle to control multiple wheelies. Woodward went up the inside into the chicane, and I was pleased to see he stayed on 2 wheels this time. Andy Green came past me at Charlie's before I managed to out brake him into Park corner. As I did so, all I could think of was the move I pulled on him into the hairpin at Mallory and him saying 'Dickinson showed promise'! I was determined to stay ahead of him and gave it everything I had. Staying ahead of Andy and trying to rein in Bond and Bartlett was the aim for the rest of the race. I managed to shave nearly 5 seconds off my best lap and nearly caught Bartlett, finishing 8th and only half a second behind him. My only consolation was a quicker fastest lap than the 2 RAF riders just ahead of me and I managed to stay ahead of the (still injured??!!!!) Green. 
#41 Bartlett Our second race started early on the Sunday morning. The banter was everywhere and harsh. Bond was claiming to be on form, Dickinson claimed to have found 5 seconds per lap just by thinking about it! Even Green fancied his chances after missing the Saturday race. Bond and I started next to each other on the grid with Dickinson just behind us.  We all made good starts and I had the advantage all the way down into park corner where I was a little too helpful in letting Bond get through. I was able to keep bond within a few bike lengths for most of the race but then halfway through the race Woodward came sneaking by with his massive horsepower advantage and I couldn’t keep up with that. Bond was still just ahead though, and after making a few errors ahead of me I was lucky not to have taken him out a couple of times. Bond managed to keep his lead and I made do with 3rd placed RAF rider and a similar best lap time as race 1.
#51 Ridley Sunday started much better for me with a quick practice to make sure the bike was fixed and all was good for the first race of the day. The bike still needs to go on the dyno to get the best out of it but I was able to catch up with Flynn through the bends only to have him pull away on the straights. I was hoping to make a move on him through Park and Chris’s Curve to the Gooseneck, however having missed a gear at the Hall Bends on lap 3 the bike stalled and I was unable to bump start it before I ran out of momentum and pulled in just before the Hairpin. Thinking there may be a problem with the bike I had a quick look over it but it started first kick and I rode it back to the paddock for a DNF and another valuable racing lesson learned.
#54 Bond I started in a better position in this race but I didn’t really capitalise on it. I had quite a lonely race to be honest which wasn’t helped by being passed by Woodward towards the end after being first RAF rider for most of the race – Damn it! The bike then developed a clutch issue that prevented staying with the fast 50 year old.
#56 Flynn Having had an early morning return to the mainland on Saturday this was my first race of the weekend. After a pleasant tour of the track taking in the lush scenery of the Lincolnshire Wolds I was confronted with the chequered flag and 14th place.
#71 Rudd The first race of the Sunday didn't go well for me. It was soon apparent that the X7 had lost quite a lot of power from Saturday and wasn't running well. Rather than risk engine damage I retired the bike from the race.

#74 Heggs Our second race came on Sunday morning, again in the dry but plenty of wind.
I started well (from the correct position this time) taking a few scalps along the way. I was now up behind Bartlett and Bond, separated by two Ducati's. The Ducati's were slower but had blocked my attempts to pass on the back straight allowing Dickinson to sneak up the inside going into Park corner. I however had the drive and happily slammed that door in his face. It might have been short lived but I certainly enjoyed it.
From there onwards I gradually dropped back being joined by another Ducati. We swapped places a few times but crucially he was a fair bit quicker through Mansfield where he took me on the last lap and I was unable to catch him.
I had shaved 5 seconds off of my previous fastest lap time so was very pleased even if the results of: finishing 10th didn't quite reflect my improvement.
#157 Woodward After a miserable Saturday, surely the Sunday could only get better? Yesterday’s crash repairs had been completed with just the screen missing and a less than cosmetically perfect right hand side to the fairing. After the first race, grid positions are decided on your fastest lap time, not your finishing place so I was awarded a starting position on the second row. Unfortunately, whilst riding to the grid position the bike cut out and was not interested in starting. I pushed the bike off the line whilst the rest of the grid went on their sighting lap. Some of the post-crash repairs had disturbed the ignition circuit, a quick fiddle and the bike was back on the road but I had to start from the back of the grid, #36, next to Green and Flynn. My only target now was to make sure none of the RAF lads (and Bond) made it to the chequered flag before me. As I cut through the traffic I had to admire how all of the riders are improving, making great gains in their riding.  As I crossed the line I could only recall passing 7 RAF bikes, where was Bartlett? Had he beaten me (bad news) but at least it was not a Suzuki rider (good news)? After I returned to the paddock I discovered that I had beaten them all, (relief). I am not sure for how much longer though!!!

Race 3

#14 Green I had done enough in the last race; my lap times were faster than Dicko’s and the next few places up so I would be starting from 8th place.
My second race saw me get a good start again, I was fifth up the hill for the first left hander. The bike isn’t the quickest but held its own. I lost a couple of places on park straight and again through the long right hander approaching the goose neck. I’ve had confidence issues on that corner with that bike for a while. Faster or slower corners through the season are not a problem… Just that one! Symon managed to get past but the rest of the team were a good way back. I managed about three laps when going up the start finish straight the bike developed a misfire which cured itself. Unfortunately whilst looking down at the bike I had to move out of the crouch which made me uncomfortable due to a back injury, forcing me to retire to the pits at the end of the lap, gifting the rest of the team another place. (excuses excusues!!!) I arrived back at the pit to find Bond looking puzzled at his X7. We all looked at Bond puzzled as to why he has an X7!
#15 Dickinson The third and final race saw a lot of quiet in the paddock at the RAF gazebos. There was seemingly a lot of focused thought! Due to my quicker lap time I was gridded ahead of Bond and Bartlett. My start was average with Bartlett coming past, Green up ahead and Bond behind. I got stuck in traffic, but got better drive into Park straight and went side by side with Bartlett (not for the last time in the race!). I then set about Kevin Breedon on an immaculate 250. I had a tussle with him until pulling a not so clean move into the hairpin but came out ahead and started chasing Green and another rider down. I was holding the gap but not making a lot of ground before Green unfortunately pulled out. The scrap of my weekend then ensued. Bartlett got a run on me down Park straight. We were side by side again and I waved my finger at him 'I don't think so!' once I'd got into 6th gear. We went round Chris Curve within touching distance and I only felt about 50% in control of my bike! He got the better of me before we changed position again at the bottom of the Gooseneck. Some more tussling ensued before I overcooked park corner on the last lap, I nearly got the place back at Mansfield, before I obviously couldn't cope with the pressure and nearly took the grass at the bottom of the Mountain. Again more time shaved off my best lap and a great race finishing 7th .
#41 Bartlett There was a long wait for race 3 to come around but from my point of view it was worth it. Starting from 14th place this time I had Green, Dickinson, Bond and Woodward all starting ahead of me due to posting “slightly” faster lap times in the previous race. The flag dropped and I felt like I had made a great start leaving Bond behind and passing Dickinson before the first corner, but again Dickinsons power advantage came into play down Park Straight when he came by. Woodward and Green both made good progress leaving me to battle with Dickinson. This was a longer race than the previous 2 but I was determined to catch Dickinson and pass him. The first few laps Dickinson seemed to pull a slight gap then I would be back on him again. Behind, Bond had another issue with his Suzuki which meant I never saw him again. Green appeared in front now slowing down so both Dickinson and I went past him. Next Woodward pulled off with a mechanical issue leaving Dickinson as the top RAF rider with me desperately trying to pass him, sitting just a bikes length behind him for around 3 laps. With 2 laps to go my moment came as I went round the outside of Dickinson at Charlies and sat side by side with him going all the way down the Park Straight. He had the inside line and made it clear with a little hand gesture just a few inches away from me that he was not letting me past, he kept the line and I had to slot in behind again. The next lap gave me another opportunity going round Chris’s Curve, sat on the inside and again just an inch or two apart from each other but this time I had track position and went into the lead. He took the place back again with a brave move going into the chicane. I was now on the last lap, tucked in as much as I physically could, a few bike lengths behind Dickinson heading down Park Straight, but still could not get past him. Then suddenly Dickinson seemed to run wide in park corner so I went up the inside and rode as fast as possible with a defensive line for the rest of the lap. That was enough to see me exit Barn Corner ahead of him and hold my place, smashing my previous best lap by just over 2 ½ seconds.
#51 Ridley My final race had me going well until half way through lap 4, when I noticed the left hand faring clips had become loose and the fairing was flapping around a little. This slowed me down as I was trying to hold it together with my knee in the hope that I wouldn’t get black flagged. Luckily this worked or the Marshalls didn’t notice and I was able to finish, even if that meant at a slower pace than I may otherwise have managed.

#54 Bond I had a poor start position for this race but managed to stay with Bartlett and Dickinson. I had my move past Bartlett planned (who is weak into the hairpin) but was scuppered when the clutch went again which hampered me to the end of race 3. Annoyingly it was only the adjuster that had come loose. In hindsight; it could have probably been adjusted on the hoof – but I didn’t and that was the end of the weekend.
#71 Rudd After checking the engine over and changing the jetting I started race 3. Once off the line I was still lacking power but despite this I carried on with the race. This race saw me battling with Heggs; who was obviously in a determined mood as he closed the door on me going downhill in to Mansfield corner forcing me to grab a handful of brake. The following lap a block pass on the entry into the chicane saw Rudd grab the position. After a poorly executed Mountain and Hall bends I fully expecting Heggs to battle back, which never came, as I pushed through the hairpin and on to the line finishing 8th
#56 Flynn Our final race of the day saw me knock 3 seconds off my last efforts best time. A bigger grid however knocked me down to 17th despite my better effort.
#74 Heggs Race three started well with me keeping with the front group for a fair while. I took Bond, on the back straight, during the first lap but I was forced onto the grass as Barny braked to avoid crashing into the back of an erratic Dickinson mid corner. Luckily my bike kept going and I watched Bond sale on by where he shortly after, tried to take a short cut through the chicane with Bartlett, having his own trip on the grass at the same time.
Not long after this the faster group pulled away leaving me on my own again trying different things and generally wishing this was a shorter race. During my final lap I hit a bigger than normal gear box issue driving into Park which left me coasting into the corner stuck between 5th and 6th. By the time I corrected this I had allowed Rudd and a group of Ducatis to catch up and pass me. Bugger!
I got my pace back and quickly caught up to Rudd who was struggling with life as a Suzuki rider. I followed him through the woods presuming he would be quicker which he wasn't, so I felt no issue following him round the hairpin. This was however a bad idea as a combination of poor entry point and limited talent sent me wide at the exit and into a tire wall head first. Bugger again. 
#157 Woodward Starting on the second row I was determined to have a good finish to the weekend, unfortunately fate had other ideas. Whilst battling for 3rd the 250 started to lose power, by the 4th lap I could hardly hold 4th gear down Park straight, so I retired. A disappointing end to an eventful but not ideal weekend.

In closing

With Cadwell Park in the past and soon forgotten for some, we look forward to the next round in a month’s time. We leave you now with some inspired closing comments from our riders:

#14 Green Time to get myself fixed and the bike refreshed…the troops are catching up! On a positive note, the engine I tuned and built won all three races with John Warwick onboard.

#15 Dickinson Times are coming down and I'm getting a lot closer to Woodward and Lee Clare's pace so progress is being made. I suspect Cadwell is the last time Bartlett will beat me this season and I don't think Bond's Suzuki will have a chance next round. I hope Green is fit to race at full pace soon so I can show him more promise(!) and I suspect Woodward's days are numbered at the top of the RAF tree.
#51 Ridley Another good weekend for me in terms of lessons learned and track experience. I’m looking forward to better results at the next meet.   
#74 Heggs I made some real improvements over this racing weekend and found a few areas for improvement. The plus side of my spill is I have that behind me now and you aren’t a real racer till you have fallen off anyway, just ask Sy! The bike and I are fairly simple fixes to get us both roadworthy. A bit of time concentrating on my short comings should see me more competitive for the next meeting in a month’s time.
#157 Woodward They are all getting quicker and developing illusions of grandeur, but it is one thing to catch me, a completely different thing to get past ;-)

As ever we extend out thanks to, Craig Hornsby, John Walton and Roy Dale for their team support. Further thanks go to our friends and family both who attended and supported from home.
