A cheeky trip to Cadwell park for Andrew Green

This weekend saw Andy Green gain a late entry at Cadwell Park for entry into the solo class supporting the sidecar revival weekend. This was not part of the CRMC calendar but the opportunity to get some extra laps round Caldwell in the sunshine was too good for him to miss so he packed up for the short hop to the Lincolnshire wolds.
Everyone else within the team were busy or deployed, so Andy went on his own. Luckily for him though; team savior and blown up engine cleaning master Roy Dale was there to lend a hand.

This was a gathering of the current British championship and other supporting sidecar championships, along with displays of EX World championship machinery with a splattering of Ex world champions to give them a run out.
My race was an open class event, however the GP Originals club was the other solo event.

Open class pre 92:


 This had me a little out classed as I was up against 1200 Suzuki’s plus an OW01 with a few classic 500's thrown in for good measure. Starting from the back I managed to hang onto the group and eventually got past couple of machines. With this accomplished; I spent a couple of laps eyeing up how to squeeze past the 4 cylinder 500 Honda in front of me. I decided I was going to have to get him on the brakes and hold my  corner speed to get past him. I reckoned I could achieve this either round the outside at the end of the start finish straight, at Coppice or Charlies 2. An opportunity arose into Mansfield in the end as I was closer this time through the gooseneck. The Honda ran a little wider than before so I thought a last minute change of line to nip on the inside was my option. This didn’t work as I had hoped as I was going far too quick and lost the front end on the exit. I found myself sliding down the track thinking to myself, ‘Well that didn’t go to plan’. My main concern now was the bikes behind me. Pete Boast on what looked like an OW01, who was not far from lapping us, managed to avoid the debris from my screen and myself sprawled across the tarmac before I managed to get out of the way. A lift back to the paddock and an afternoon of repairs was my new schedule up to lunch. Luckily the Ragged Edge racing bodywork comes pre-coloured in the team blue so the damage always looks minimal. 


 With the bike fixed apart from a missing screen: this race very much the same as the last with a little less falling off on my part. 
A good start into the race sa me just clinging onto the back of the bigger machines. A free run all the way through allowed me to set a PB on that bike at Cadwell, that being the highlight of the second race.

That evening after chatting to the GP Originals competitors, of which I knew several from the Classic Racing Motorcycle Club (CRMC) suggested I have a word with the eligibility officer for the club about running my 250 with them. It fitted the requirements as it was in keeping with the TZ’s they run. My bike being on 35mm forks,  twin shock and a TZ derived engine that was more akin to the TZ predecessor the TD3. It might be down by 20HP or so but this was certainly more suited than being out in an open class. Thankfully they agreed so Sunday was looking even brighter.

GP Originals:
 Gridding up at the rear of the group I was excited to be out with grid full of two stroke GP bikes, I managed to get a great start passing a couple on the row in front. The group managed to bunch on the turn into Coppice allowing myself to capitalise by going around the right hand side before turning into Charlies 1 and 2. It then became apparent the HP difference along Park straight. Undeterred I settled into a routine and found I was able to draw them back in on the brake around Chris curve and the Gooseneck. Here we bunched up again all the way through until Barn corner. To my surprise I was able to pick off a couple of competitors and managed to stay in-front of them until the end of the race. I was very pleased with the little bike holding its own and also me having a good race with the others.

Again I formed on the grid on the back row. A good start again helped me gain a few initial places. A re-run of the earlier race in the day saw me loose places again on Park straight. I spent a couple of laps chasing another bike to then get through on over the mountain. Only to lose out again along the start finish straight, I couldn’t then get close enough again to make a move. This is how it stayed until the end. I was glad to see the chequered flag as I felt I was melting in the near Mediterranean weather over the weekend.

In Closing

A new PB for myself on the 250 at Cadwell Park was a good positive to take away. No small amount of credit for my increased confidence in the bike has to go to; K-tech for their custom Razor rear shocks, what a difference!

A big thanks you to my own and RAF Classic team sponsors and support. NGK spark plugs UK, EBC Brakes, Stahlwille Tools UK, Witham oils Lincoln, Motul, K-tech, Talon Engineering, Forcefield Body Armour, Ragged Edge Racing, Royal Air Force Motorsport Association and the GP Originals guys for letting me join the ranks.
